Short Bio
Isabel Wagner is an Associate Professor in Cyber Security at the University of Basel, Switzerland. Dr. Wagner received her Ph.D in engineering (Dr.-Ing.) and M.Sc. in computer science (Dipl.-Inf. Univ.) from the Department of Computer Science, University of Erlangen in 2010 and 2005, respectively. In 2011 she was a JSPS Postdoctoral Fellow in the research group of Prof. Masayuki Murata at the University of Osaka, Japan. She is a Senior Member of the ACM (2017) and IEEE (2018).
Her research interests are privacy and privacy-enhancing technologies, particularly metrics to quantify the effectiveness of privacy protection mechanisms, and privacy-enhancing technologies in smart cities, genomics, vehicular networks, and smart grids. She is also interested in bio-inspired mechanisms for privacy and web measurement to create transparency for corporate surveillance systems.
Selected Publications
- Julika Feldbusch, Valentyna Pavliv, Nima Akbari and Isabel Wagner, "No Transparency for Smart Toys," Proceedings of Privacy Technologies and Policy, Cham, 2024, pp. 203-227. [DOI, BibTeX, PDF and Details...]
- Isabel Wagner, Auditing Corporate Surveillance Systems: Research Methods for Greater Transparency, Cambridge University Press, 2022. [BibTeX, Details...]
- Isabel Wagner and Iryna Yevseyeva, "Designing Strong Privacy Metrics Suites Using Evolutionary Optimization," ACM Transactions on Privacy and Security, vol. 24 (2), pp. Article 12 (February 2021), 35 pages, 2021. [DOI, BibTeX, PDF and Details...]
- Yuchen Zhao and Isabel Wagner, "Using Metrics Suites to Improve the Measurement of Privacy in Graphs," IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing, vol. 19 (1), pp. 259-274, 2022. [DOI, BibTeX, Details...]
- Yuchen Zhao and Isabel Wagner, "On the Strength of Privacy Metrics for Vehicular Communication," IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, vol. 18 (2), pp. 390-403, February 2019. [DOI, BibTeX, PDF and Details...]
- Isabel Wagner and David Eckhoff, "Technical Privacy Metrics: A Systematic Survey," ACM Comput. Surv., vol. 51 (3), pp. 57:1-57:38, June 2018. [DOI, BibTeX, PDF and Details...]
- David Eckhoff and Isabel Wagner, "Privacy in the Smart City -- Applications, Technologies, Challenges and Solutions," IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials, vol. 20 (1), pp. 489-516, 2018. [DOI, BibTeX, PDF and Details...]
- Isabel Wagner, "Evaluating the Strength of Genomic Privacy Metrics," ACM Trans. Priv. Secur., vol. 20 (1), pp. 2:1-2:34, January 2017. [DOI, BibTeX, PDF and Details...]